The new, revised Professional Standards Framework (PSF) was published by Advance HE in the United Kingdom in 2023. The framework recognises university teachers’ contribution to teaching and learning through a framework that allows eligible staff to apply for four categories of Fellowship – Associate Fellowship (D1), Fellowship (D2), Senior Fellowship (D3) and Principal Fellowship (D4).
Since January 2020, HKU has run its own local CPD scheme, HKU Advance HE Fellowship Scheme accredited by Advance HE in the UK. This means that instead of applying directly to Advance HE, HKU staff and students can apply via the local scheme where trained colleagues will assess their applications.
Fellowship of Advance HE is an official recognition of your teaching, and in some Higher Education Institutions – particularly in the UK – is regarded as a teaching qualification in the tertiary sector. There are currently over 180,000 Fellows globally.
Our local scheme is sustained by a group of colleagues from across faculties who volunteer to act as mentors for applicants and also as reviewers (assessors) of applications.